人員施測蒐集有效問卷65 份。並對「基本資料表」、「工作壓力源量表」及「過
勞量表」等樣本資料,採用變異數分析、Pearson 相關分析及多元迴歸分析對各
研究假設加以驗證,結果顯示如下:1. 消防人員在個人相關過勞、工作相關過
2. 角色模糊、工作超載等工作壓力源會影響消防人員過勞。3. 人口統計變數與
對於消防方面的建議:1. 簡化消防工作降低工作負擔。2. 成立專責單位避
免角色模糊。3. 規劃多元休閒紓壓管道。對於後續研究的建議:1. 擴大研究範
圍。2. 增加研究變項。希望此研究尋求改善之方法,並建議或提供作為改進之
Recently, major traffic accidents have been frequently spread. In addition to the ancient car and unmaintained mechanical maintenance, the overtime work of drivers has also been highlighted. For the world of labor, countries around the world are working to shorten working hours and enhance work flexibility. The trend of administrative legislation. However, few people have discussed and concerned about the burnout of the basic level government staff, especially the police and firefighters who are responsible for the safety of people's lives and property. Therefore, this study discusses the burnout of firefighters. Relevant research points out that the risk factors affecting burnout, in addition to the physical and working environment, work stressors is also one of the reasons for burnout. Therefore, this study tries to understand work stressors and personal factors and overwork were significantly
related to burnout.
The study aims to discuss the firefighter burnout. The firefighter from Search and Rescue Corps, Fire Bureau, Taichung City Government was invited to this survey and was asked to response to the demographic information, the perception of the sources of job stress, and the perception of work overload. A total of 65 valid samples were collected. Multivariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and Multiple Regression Analysis were adopted to validate the hypotheses of this study.
The results of this study are follows: 1. The relationships between jobs burnout and individual burnout for firefighters are in medium or high correlations. Client burnout is less serious. 2. The significant antecedents of job stress for firefighters are role ambiguity and work overload. 3. Demographically variables are not significant to impact burnout for firefighters.
Suggestions for firefighters: 1. Simplify fire work and reduce the workload. 2. Establish a dedicated unit to avoid role ambiguity. 3. Plan multiple leisure and pressure piping. Suggestions for follow-up studies: 1. Expand the
scope of the study. 2. Add research variables. It is hoped that this study will seek ways to improve and recommend or provide a reference for improvement.