近年來,台灣的憂鬱症及焦慮症盛行率自11.5%攀升至23.8%,這還未計入其他常見的精神疾病,再加上協助鑑別診斷的心理衡鑑工具有限,一再顯示國內臨床心理師急需資源改善眼前的困境。本研究目的檢視中文化第二版明尼蘇達多向人格量表(Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Chinese version, CMMPI-2)其在台灣的信效度,更期待此舉可為未來增加工具選擇性。本研究分別招募健康組33位及病患組56位,其中健康組為信度考驗採兩階段施測,第一階段兩組受試者依序施測CMMPI-2、健康性格習慣量表、第二版貝克憂鬱量表及貝克焦慮量表,為獲得再測信度的結果,健康組在間隔至少兩週後再次施測CMMPI-2。經CMMPI-2、HPH-1999的無效結果篩檢,最終有效樣本為健康組32位與病患組47位進行後續獨立樣本t檢定、共變數分析與Pearson 積差相關等統計分析。結果顯示受試者在CMMPI-2的內部一致性、再測信度具有良好的可靠性及穩定度,本次接受效度檢驗的22個CMMPI-2量尺有18個效度獲得支持,顯示CMMPI-2在台灣的應用上多具備良好可信度及有效性。故建議後續研究能在經費充足的支持下,探究此次未能接受驗證之量尺在台的心理計量屬性。
In recent years, the prevalence of depression and anxiety in Taiwan had risen from 11.5% to 23.8%, not to mention that the prevalences of other commonly seen mental illnesses were not included. However, lack of psychological assessments used to differentiate diagnoses has been a problem in Taiwan. That is, resolving this issue has become an urgent request from Taiwan clinical psychologists. Therefore, The purpose of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the Minnesota Multiphasic Inventory Personality-2 (CMMPI-2) in Taiwan and expected to use this test in the future. Thirty three healthy individuals and fifty six psychiatric patients were reruited and then respectively assigned to the Healthy Group and the Patient Group. At the first stage, all participants took the CMMPI-2, Health Personality and Habit Inventory-1999 (HPH-1999), Beck Depression Inventory-II (Chinese version) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (Chinese version) in sequence. For the purpose of gaining test-retest reliability information, the Healthy Group was required to fill out the CMMPI-2 again at least two weeks later. Participants who showed invalid test results on the validity scales in the CMMPI-2 and HPH-1999 were excluded from this study. At the end the Healthy Group and the Psychiatric Patient Group respectively consisted of 32 and 47 participants. Independent samples t-test, Analysis of Covariance and Pearson Correlation were used to analyze the research data. The results showed that CMMPI-2 had good internal consistency and retest reliability in Taiwan; moreover, there were 18 of 22 CMMPI-2 criterion validity related assumptions were supported, indicating that adaptability of the CMMPI-2 in Taiwan was good. Due to the limited research funding, the present study could only investigate the reliability and validity of the CMMPI-2 scales that can be scored by hand. That being said, further research is needed given that many MMPI-2 scales were not examined this time.