According to the latest Chinese semiconductor in-depth analysis report of Trend Force, the global market research institute, China's semiconductor output value grew by an average of 19.86% per year in 2014-2018. However, how to face the competition and marketing strategy in the Chinese market, this study aims to explore the face of Chinese semiconductor companies. The Chinese market changes its marketing management strategy.
This study uses interviews to study corporate case methods to gain insight into the rapid growth of the three case companies in the face of China's semiconductor market. How to market in different semiconductor industry models in the middle and lower reaches of the company how to connect with upstream semiconductor design companies, through 4R Establishing relationships with customers, improving market response speed, developing relationship marketing, and creating reasonable profit returns. At the same time, integrating 4C's customer quality services and strengthening the advantages of 4P products and prices, enabling enterprises to be huge in China's semiconductor industry. It has a place in the market.