本研究目的在於探究教師入戲策略融入幼兒品格教育之成效:改善幼兒負面品格行為、促進幼教師的專業成長。教學研究以二十八位不同年齡層的幼兒為對象,採行動研究法實施15次的教學,透過多元方式收集研究資料。量性的部分為使用幼兒品格行為觀察評量表收集資料。質性的部分為錄影觀察法、軼事觀察法、專家對談、反思札記、訪談幼兒及其導師與家長收集相關資訊 本研究選取五個品格核心主題:關懷、尊重、責任、正義、誠實,並以繪本為參考教材,設計教師入戲融入幼兒品格教育的課程。研究結果發現:
1. 教師入戲的教學策略受到幼兒喜愛,學習感受相當正面;透過戲劇教學方法提升了幼兒口語表達及改善幼兒的負面品格行為。
2. 教師入戲融入幼兒品格教學課堂實踐,提升幼教師的專業成長。不僅掌握戲劇作為教學方法的知識和技巧,同時也提升自己在平時教學實踐知能。
The purpose of this study was to explore the pedagogical effects of “teacher in role” in young learners’ character education. It aimed to decrease children's negative behavior and promote action-researchers’ professional development. There were 28 young learners participants. There were 15 lessons in total in this action research. The data were collected through various methods: young learners’ character behavior observational rating scale, video observation, anecdotal observation, expert dialogue, reflection diary, interviews with young children, their mentor teachers and parents.
The action researcher used picture books as materials for planning drama-integrated lessons to teach five character themes: care, respect, responsibility, justice, and honesty. The research results showed that
1. Young learners like the use of teacher-in-role and gave positive learning feedback. Moreover, their oral expression was improved and their negative behaviors decreased.
2. Teacher-in-role integrated practice enhanced the action researchers’ professional development both in conducting drama-integrated and daily classroom practice.
Based on the above, the researcher believe the application of teacher-in-role had good effects on young learners’ character education and their oral expression. It is suggested that nursery teachers widely apply drama as pedagogy in their classroom practice.