本研究主要在探究從事家暴相對人社會工作者,面臨相對人關懷訪視之個案工作內涵分析研究及其工作介入方式。本研究採取半結構式深度訪談法作為研究資料收集的方式,邀請8位實務上具有處遇相對人訪視工作經驗逾6 個月以上為受訪者。透過研究者對文本資料的彙整與詮釋,在相對人關懷訪視員對個案工作內涵分析研究其內涵可歸納出四個主題,分別為第一、關係建立期:相對人服務的接案與預估;第二:服務介入期:相對人服務處遇和干預;第三:服務與關係結束期:相對人服務結案與評估,以及最後相對人社工服務困境與因應,以建構與瞭解相對人社會工作者關懷訪視工作之工作內涵。
The research aimed to study the connotation of social caseworkers, who are entrusted with domestic violence batterer and treatment programs. With Semi-structured in depth interview from 8 different social caseworkers who have at least more than 6 month experience under their belt, the researcher summarize 4 topics that can explain the connotation of the visit counseling of domestic violence batterer. (1) The phase of building rapport by evaluating for the commencement of domestic violence batterer. (2)The phase of service intervention by providing treatment programs. (3)The phase of service closure by evaluating the well-being of domestic violence batterer. (4)The predicaments and responses thereof for the social caseworkers of visiting counseling of domestic violence batterer.
The connotation for the cases of domestic violence battery are very diverse and made up of many underlying issues. The research propose 3 conclusions that can benefit the individuals who want to participate in this line of job in the future. (1)The perspective from both sides of the social worker and domestic violence batter. (2)Incorporate the process of social work case into the visiting counseling. (3)Gaining trust is beneficial for the implementation of treatment.