Abstract: | 近年智慧型電腦刺繡縫紉機開始在華語地區普及,其簡易的操作性與高效能,受到個人創作者與小工作室的青睞,成為刺繡與縫紉創作上新選擇。隨著大中華地區的使用族群成長,對繁體中文字體的需求增加,逐漸受到市場重視,但目前市售的智慧型電腦刺繡縫紉機卻缺乏對應的中文刺繡系統,加上BROTHER、JANOME、BERNINA這三大品牌內建的字體編輯軟體大多由非華語工程師所開發,因此英文字體開發較早且成熟,反觀中文字體的開發因語言的差異,仍無法有一套完整的系統,缺乏對應的中文字刺繡系統資料庫,僅依靠電腦系統運算出的中文字容易出現繡線走向異常,導致無法使用,在避免刺繡過程出現偏差並且要兼顧文字美感的前提下,必須整合出明確的規則,建立適用於智慧型電腦刺繡縫紉機的中文字刺繡系統,本研究將透過對中文字結構探討進行刺繡規則建立。
第二部分將針對中文字填繡的規則探討,延續文字分割研究結論,所歸納出的七個分割原則為基礎,透過非細線化的筆畫抽取方法,對中文字的輪廓進行分析研究,並以Adobe Illustrator模擬填繡分布與角度變化,參照前章節初步試驗的結果,研究首先定義出國字筆畫表中的筆畫填繡路徑方向與繡線角度,再將所得的填繡規則套入康熙部首樣本進行試驗,並反覆修正整合出各種繡線分布規則,最後統整出常用角度列表,以及各種不同型態的筆畫填繡規則,並且將無法系統化的筆畫交接處部分進行填繡角度定義,將所得規則套入中文字進行驗證,並使用PE-DESIGN NEXT刺繡軟體對實驗的中文樣本進行模擬呈現效果。
For the past few years, the smart embroidery and sewing combo machine became popular in Chinese areas. Due to the high efficiency and simplicity of operation, it favored by personal designers and studios. The smart sawing machine is getting more and more attention, but the Chinese character system is incomplete and lack of corresponding characters. Also, the font developing system of the main smart sawing machine brands such as BROTHER, JANOME and BERNINA were developed by non-Chinese users, result in the lack of Chinese character. Under this circumstance, there are many wrong strokes and radicals when sawing Chinese characters. To avoid the thread sawing mistake and also considering the atheistic of embroidery characters, the clear rules of Chinese radical sawing need to be established. This study focuses on the segmentation of Chinese characters, and defined the rules of character composition.
There are two parts of this study. In the first part, we focus on the segmentation of Chinese character, to unify the structure atheistic in chinese character embroidery, study the character composition and define the sawing rules. According to the references, the basic unit of Chinese character is radical, and the strokes compose radicals. Through studying the composition of Chinese character, we can divide every kind of characters into units systematically, then establish the Chinese character sawing rules in computer. We selected specific character strokes based on Chinese radical table that published by Ministry of Education, and use PMingLiU font as standard sample, to analyze the complex character stroke segmentation.
We tested the character “永” and also studied the first three strokes of Kangxi Radicals, to analyze the best segregation mode. We sorted out seven segmentation rules and test them in common Chinese characters.
Second part focus on the filling rules of Chinese radical sawing. Based on the seven segmentation rules, analyzing the contour of characters. According to the previous result, we defined the embroidery filling direction and angle in several characters, and simulating the filling distribution and angle variation in Adobe Illustrator. At last, we integrated a common angle table, and defined several filling rules, then we using PE-DESIGN NEXT embroidery software to test the result to see if the rules can apply to Chinese character samples.
Through simplify and integrate the Chinese character radical, this study provides a workable embroidery rules to make the Chinese character system of sawing machine more complete, and more user friendly. Through the segmentation study, the Chinese character sawing rules has been integrated and the result could be further reference for future studies. |