資策會產支處統計(2016)台灣電子商務於2015年正式邁入兆元產業,而隨著網路科技的發展,網路購物也逐漸改變了消費者的購物模式,資策會產業情報研究所(MIC)2017年針對消費者網購行為進行調查分析,發現臺灣消費者年網購消費總額逐年呈現上漲趨勢,消費者對於網購的接受度越來越高,整個網路消費的市場還在成長中。蝦皮購物是2015年在台灣上線,短短半年其用戶下載突破300萬, 2017年8月其用戶下載數突更是破1000萬、每月商品物件數高達2.4億件,但是蝦皮購物至今還在虧本無法找出自己的盈利模式。本研究探討蝦皮購物的服務品質、知覺風險、品牌形象和購買意願之間的關係,並以問卷方式檢測信、效度,再以SEM結構模型路徑分析作為分析方法,最後在針對蝦皮購物提供經營策略上的建議,本研究結果服務品質不會影響知覺風險,品牌形象影響知覺風險、知覺風險影響購買意願研究結果成立。
According to Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute, Institute for Information Industry (2016), E-Commerce of Taiwan has reached 1,000 billion in 2015. The development of internet technology, online shopping changed the buying habit of consumers. Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute (MIC) conducted a survey about online shopping, and found out that the total value of Taiwan consumers has been increasing. Online shopping has become more acceptable by consumers, and the whole consumer market online is still growing. Shopee has been online since 2015. In only half year, download users exceeded 3 millions. In August 2017 its download users exceeded 10 millions. Even though their traded goods reached 0.24 billion monthly, Shopee is still running in a deficit and unable to sustain with a profitable business model. This research explores Shopee service quality, perceived risk, brand image and purchase intention of consumers. The survey conducted reliability and validity by questionnaires with SEM Covariance Structure Modeling as analytical method, and finally apply to Shopee in order to provide advice on business strategies.