網路社群打破時間與空間的限制,提供給社群成員在任何時間、地點都可以溝通的管道,可讓在各地的成員進行開會、討論及意見交流等,發揮知識分享及知識創造的功能。因此,本研究目的探討社會互動理論對知識分享的影響,以及進而對個人工作效能之影響。本研究以金融企業的員工為研究對象,採取問卷方式蒐集資料,並預計使用SPSS與Smart PLS進行問卷分析。研究結果預期發現,網路社群成員的相互信任會透夠相互衝突與相互瞭解,而對網路社群成員間的知識分享產生影響。同時,本研究結果將發現,社群成員的知識分享會對工作績效與工作生活品質產生正向顯著影響。藉由分析結果提出研究發現及實務意涵,並建議未來學者研究方向。
The online community overcomes the constraints of time and space and provides its members with channels for communication at any time and place. It enables members in different places to hold meetings, discussions, and exchange ideas, and knowledge sharing and knowledge creation functions. Therefore, this study aims to explore the impact of the social interactionist theory on knowledge sharing, and its impact on individual job performance. The study used the employees of financial enterprises as subjects, collected data using a questionnaire survey, and analyzed questionnaires using SPSS and Smart PLS. The research findings suggest that trust among online community members can be both mutually conflicting and understanding, which will affect knowledge sharing among them. Simultaneously, the study reveals that knowledge sharing among online community members has a significant positive effect on their job performance and quality of working life. Based on these results, the study proposes research findings, practical implications, recommends future research directions for researchers.