Abstract: | 網路消費時代的來臨,以及現代家庭結構的改變,青少年的消費力已大幅提高。因此本研究將透過消費者社會化模型,以青少年為研究對象,來探討父母、 同儕、大眾傳播媒體對青少年網路購物行為的影響。在青少年消費者社會化過程中,以「國中生的年級」、「家庭社經地位」、「家庭月收入」三個變項,與透過社會化促進者,包括「受父母影響」、「受同儕影響」、「受大眾傳播媒體影響」,來探討這些因素對青少年網購行為影響的情形,並建構青少年消費者社會化對網購行為影響的整合模式。本研究以台北市大安區某國中,及台中市大里區某國中做便利抽樣,共回收 416 份問卷,其中有效問卷 389 份,無效問卷 27 份。
Owing to the advent of online consumption and changes in the modern family structure, the spending power of young people has increased dramatically. This study aims to explore the influence of parents, peers, and mass media on the online shopping behavior of adolescents using a consumer socialization model. Regarding the socialization process of young consumers, three variables were considered in the study, namely “grade of middle school student,” “family socioeconomic status,” and “family monthly income,” as well as socialization promoters, such as “parental influence,” “peer influence,” and “mass media influence.” This study explores the impact of the above factors on the online shopping behavior of adolescents and builds an integrated model to show the influence of consumer socialization on such behavior. Data were collected by convenience sampling from a middle school in Da’an District, Taipei City and another in Dali District, Taichung City. A total of 416 questionnaires were collected, out of which 389 were valid and 27 were invalid.
Results show that “grade of middle school student” and “family monthly income” have a direct influence on the online shopping behavior of adolescents. It was also found that parental, peer, and mass media influences have significant impacts on such behavior, indicating that socialization promoters have a significant influence on youth consumer socialization. However, “family monthly income” has the greatest indirect influence on the online shopping behavior of adolescents, through “parental influence.” The most influential factor on the online shopping behavior of adolescents is clearly “parental influence,” suggesting that the online shopping behavior of adolescents in middle school is still heavily impacted by parents. |