Market research is recognised as having an important function in the turbulent business
environment. In recent times the way market research is conducted has changed, with increasing use of qualitative as well as quantitative methods. Consequently, the main question has become, ‘What is the
truth in market research?’ It is important for the researcher to be aware of their own philosophical position at the outset of the research. Taking into account the writer’s own philosophical position and the distinctive features of market research, the view taken here is that there is no such thing as permanent truth. Although there has been debate about the relative merits of positivism and interpretivism, and traditionally positivism has
occupied a central position in terms of research philosophy, there is now an increasing move towards interpretivism and the qualitative approach in market research. In seeking truth in marketing science, the
role of the ‘truth-teller’ is to present an interpretation of social reality that will be accepted by the research subjects.
Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences 4(4):241-258