Background and Motivation: As we known, the usage of tobacco products brings great impact to personal health, society, economics, and environment, but the smoking cessation is still low even the adult smoking rate has the declining tendency. Most studies currently dedicated in the smoking behavior which mostly focused on the youth group. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to realize the adult smoking behavior and the difference in recent years. We conducted the database of the adult smoking behavior survey from the Department of Health Bureau of Health Promotion in 2006 for analyses. Purpose: The study is to realize the situation of the adult smoking behavior in 2006 and to explore the relationship between the smoking behavior and relative social and demographic factors such as the second-hand smoke exposure frequency. Results: The study found that the major factor was the social and demographic factors. The correlation between the smoking behavior and the frequencies of the second –hand smoke exposure was significant and the harm caused by secondhand smoke was as much as active smokers. Therefore, the prevention for Tobacco Control not only applies the efforts in the initial smoking tobacco products, but also employ necessarily at the changing the behavior of smoking. Conclusion: The prevalence rates in male and female were 48.5% and 4.6% respectively. Indeed, gender is the factor related to the smoking behavior. The adult smoking behavior does not decrease with the education level while the education levels in the elementary to the senior high school have the higher rate. The prevention education should start from the elementary school. In addition, the smoking rate also declines with the income level while the low-income group has the higher rate. Furthermore, we found that the higher frequencies of the second –hand smoke exposure inflicts the smoking behavior more no matter the place at home or in the office. The ban smoking law should consider enforcing widely at home from this study findings.