Abstract: | In the broad sports brand market, how to attract the attention of consumers, enhance brand awareness and image, and quickly enter into the consciousness of consumers. Nowadays advertising is the most effective marketing gear with highest public exposure. Nevertheless, the brand image naturally constitute an inseparable relationship wih advertising. The study aims to explor interrelationship among different sports brands, the advertising effects, brand images and purchase intention in a junior high school students population. And provide the results of the research to the sports brands manufacturers as a reference for the marketing decision reference in the future.
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of sports goods advertising, brand image and consumer purchase intention. The study objects are students in Tou-wu junior high school in Miao Li County. Questionnaires were released from April 5, 2017 to April 13, 2017. Data were collected and analyzed by using the software SPSS 22.0. The analytical methods were descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, single factor variance analysis, regression analysis and mediating effect. In the advertising effect, "advertising attitude" and "brand attitude" both have positive and significant corelation with the purchase intention. In the dimention of brand image, "functionality" is the most critical in purchase decision. Consumers’ purchase intention for the sports brand's are satisfied. Based on the results of the study, it is suggested that the sports brands manufacturers should strehghthen the functionality of the brand image and the brand attitude of the advertising effect. When the consumers get the attracting message from the advertisement, the purchase intention will also increase. In addition, consumers in the purchase of sports-related products, the "functionality" is the critical purchase criteria based on the research survey, which is worthy of darwing attention from the relevant sports brands manufacturers. |