Due to the impact of the low-birth rate in Taiwan in recent years, the educational institutions are faced with the unprecedented pressure for student enrollment fulfillment. The educational institutions that do not adjust their operation strategies and promote school competitiveness may have trouble recruiting enough students into their schools and may be forced to withdraw from the educational market. In education marketing, the most important aspect is to elevate the society’s impression of the school and to promote the distinguishing features of school as well.
This education marketing issue is particularly urgent at present, due to the impacts of low birth-rate, the right of choice for school by the parents, and the over-supply of schools in general. Currently the most popular social marketing tool is to use the social networking functions such as provided by “Facebook”. If such social networking techniques can be applied then maybe the school marketing effort will be more successful in attracting future students.
This research used Facebook as a school marketing platform and promoted the school distinguishing features and characteristics by using the buzz marketing functions provided in Facebook platform. Hopefully such efforts will reach the goal of elevating school’s distinguishing characteristics and general image.