Abstract: | Background: music therapy as early as in Western countries has been implemented for many years, and is widely used in various clinical patients who, in recent years, music therapy are often used in long-term care, especially care for the elderly with dementia , many studies have confirmed that music therapy can effectively reduce the agitated behavior of elderly dementia frequency of occurrence, but the domestic application of performance for music therapy in elderly dementia did not have the relevant published literature integration, so the purpose of use systematic literature review and meta-analysis, all the research that is using statistical methods to analyze and integration, doing comprehensive conclusion to explore the use of music therapy in improving dementia elderly agitated on the frequency of application and explore its factors.
Methods: A database including English literature in PubMed, EBSCO, ProQuest databases do search, Chinese literature part is in Airiti Library do search, site aspect is Google Scholar , search keywords including music therapy, agitated behavior, dementia, paper search time and ending March 31, 2016.
Results: Included 12 research do systematic review of English 11, Chinese 1, incorporated into the meta-analysis 6, 5 English, Chinese 1, music therapy for agitated behavior of the main indicators of the scale, CMAI and MMSE significant effect.
Conclusions: Many reasons elderly dementia appear agitated behavior, mainly because they can not adapt to environmental stimuli and pressure can not be released and other issues, will be many elderly dementia caused by inappropriate behavior, in addition to scheduled activities, adjust room light outside, you can also play some easing elderly dementia or music preferences, but it can evoke positive memories, triggering a sense of ease, and may contribute to the expression of feelings, reduce the incidence of agitated behavior. |